MLC! (Mission Leadership Conference)


Hey yall! We had a very busy, but great week! Here are some of the highlights:

> I went to MLC on Thursday! It is held in Munich so it was cool to go back there after being in the office for so long. The conference was great! President Naatjes spoke about the importance of the Spirit and how we can recognize it. We also had a testimony meeting and shared our experiences with following the Spirit which was fire and a bunch of other missionaries gave trainings. It was a super fun time to be gathered with so many missionaries and be able to learn and grow together.

> We moved into a new apartment this week! It is a huge upgrade because our last apartment was probably the oldest one in the mission and you could definitely tell. It took lots of time, but it was worth it.

>We have got to have lots of time with our zone the past couple weeks from Zone Council, to Saturday Sport, to our weekly street displays, it has been a blast.

> We were able to meet with our friend Marcus again! He is making good progress and is excited to learn more. Elder Ashton has noticed a total change in him from first meeting him until now.

Here is one of my favorite quotes this week from one of my favorite talks of all time, Your Great Adventure from Elder Uchtdorf, "If you hesitate in this adventure because you doubt your ability, remember that discipleship is not about doing things perfectly; it’s about doing things intentionally. It is your choices that show what you truly are, far more than your abilities."

- Elder Jarnagin


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