Covid and a new Comp

Well it was one crazy end to the transfer.

Last Friday we had Augustas baptism! She is from Angola and only speaks Portuguese. I was asked to baptize her so I practiced a ton and did it in Portuguese! I think it was hopefully decent.

On Saturday we had a street display in Augsburg where I had probably one of the funniest street finding experiences of my whole mission. Elder Wimmer and I started talking to this guy and we were explaining in German that we are missionaries for our church when all of the sudden he says in English, "Where are you from?" I said we are both from America and he points at me and said "You are not American, you are European." Turns out his ancestors are part of the Apache tribe and so he was very set on the fact that I am actually European because my ancestors just settled the American land. Elder Wimmers grandma is also from the Hoppi tribe so they started going off about a bunch of Native American history and stuff. This guy started pulling his shirt up and was showing us all of his tattoos and telling us about how he eats rattlesnake and Buffalo hearts and was clearly very proud of his people. Funny guy.

 Last Sunday I woke up feeling slightly sick, nothing bad, but a bunch of people in our ward had covid so we decided to stay home from church. We went and got tested just to be sure, and sure enough, we were positive. I thought I would get away with never getting covid, but here we are. Obviously this news kind of messed up our days schedule and the rest of our week since transfers was just in a couple days. By Sunday night I had a fever of 103 and all of the other fun covid symptoms. We had lots of time to relax, study, and nap which honestly was nice considering you don't usually get time like that as a missionary. We ended up spending the whole week, until yesterday in quarantine so we just got our new companions yesterday. 

My new comp is Elder Caballero! He is from Sweden but his parents are from Chile so he speaks Swedish, Spanish, English, and now German. He is a really cool guy so I'm excited to be with him.

Love you all!

-Elder Jarnagin


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