Last Transfer

Hey everyone! 
Things have been going really well here in Munich! We have seen lots of miracles and we have done lots of fun stuff. Here are some highlights from the past transfer:

- we got to go to the Frankfurt temple TWICE. The first time we got approved to go with a bunch of YSAs and Valera, the boy we baptized last transfer. Ended up missing our train and having to spend the night on trains, but it was worth it. The second time we got to go as a whole zone and it was a blast

- we got to go Go Karting with President Naatjes and he paid for the whole thing. He talked tons of trash before hand, but he did not live up to it. Sister Naatjes on the other hand beat me by 0.1 seconds

- we have gotten tons of referrals this transfer and have got to meet some really cool, interested people!

- we had tons of awesome YSA game nights and dinners which were a blast

- finally got to have dinner with a lot of our Spanish speaking members thanks to my Chilean/Swedish companion

- we got to help with Hayleys baptism! I did my first ever confirmation which was a really cool experience

Transfers are tomorrow now, and for my last transfer I will be leaving Munich! I'm going to be opening Schaffhausen, Switzerland and will be training a brand new missionary. I know that these last 6 weeks are going to fly by, so I've got to make the most of my time and enjoy missionary life while I still can. Super excited to be going back to Switzerland!

-Elder Jarnagin


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